A Journey to be a Star (Danone Management Trainee Recruitment Phase)
I am not sure many of you are familiar with Danone products, but if you are heavy user of AQUA, Mizone, SGM, Nutricia, then you are a heavy user of Danone Indonesia. In short, Danone Indonesia has two main business unit, Water (AQUA – which will be the house of some other brands, ie Mizone & VIT) and Early Life Nutrition - ELN (Sari Husada & Nutricia). Being a MT Star means you will be selected to fill in position in one of these two business units.
Long story short, it was 4 years ago when I heard about Danone MT Star recruitment process and uploaded my CV through www.dancommunity.com.
There might be some changes here and there today, but for those who are curious about the stages to comprehend, here goes my list:
1. Administrative thingy : including register and upload your CV through online platform.
My tips: be simple! Only outline your real experience. Trust me, there are thousand similar CV out there and the recruitment team will not be able to read the whole 3 pages long CV. Make sure you put your greatest achievement & activities on the front page.
Is GPA important? Not sure with everyone, but during my first few weeks in Danone, I had this chance to meet VP for VIT brand. He asked what my GPA was. I asked back why he wanted to know (yes, you can talk and discuss thing directly with your boss’s boss’s boss here in Danone) and his answer was: “Having high GPA means you are responsible with your life. We need someone who is responsible with the project (s)he’s about to be given”.
2. Written test (TPA & English)
This test comes after you pass the online screening. I don’t remember exactly but I believe there’s more than 100 questions combined for this test. Don’t panic. They ask basic questions. What you need to do is stay calm and try to answer as many as possible.
3. HR Interview
Should you pass written test, you will be invited to meet one of the HR teams. If I may say, from all recruitment phases, talking with HR team will be the most relaxed one. They are not intimidating and they talk like a friend.
What you need to prepare : your uni life, your academic achievemnent inside or outside campus, your organization experience, your strength and witness, what positions are you into (I had to choose 3 positions), which businessunit you are interested in, and please do read a bit about Danone. It is not compulsory, but demonstrate knowledge is always great way to impress and proving that you are a curious and well prepared millennials.
4. User interview
During this stage, you will meet your soon-to-be (if you are accepted) boss. I have never been in user part, but based on my experience, I would be happy to know if my soon-to-be subordinate is curious, smart, and willing to go extra miles. Show that you have that value by knowing the rules you are applying, a bit about that field, experience during uni life that can support you, and curiousity. Dont forget to smile!
5. Director & VP Interview
If you’re direct boss are happy with you, you shall meet your director and vice president. Again, dont panic. In my case, I found being interviewed by director & VP is more like talking to your parents. They are wise and not offensive. They truly want to know if you are interested with the position and whether you have willingness to learn.
During my VP interview, she asked me why would I want to move to Jakarta and spend my youth in the terrible traffic (as I was studying in Jogjakarta and was born in Bali – these two cities are more convinient to live). My answer was “I’ve been living in Indonesia’s most beautiful and friendliest city. Now, I want to challenge my self and push my self to the limit as I believe in order to grow you must get out of your comfort zone”. I know it sounds cliche, but be honest and show you eager to learn and develop your self.
6. FGD
Once you impress your boss and boss’s boss to be, Danone will contact you for FGD test. My only suggestion for this: be active, confident, but stay true to your self. I am not the most talkative person in room nor extrovert. Thus, it’s kind of difficult for me to utter my opinion. But, try to be part of the negotiation and don’t exaggerate. Not all leaders need to be loud. Some needs to listen and give great conclusion at the end.
7. Medical Check Up : you know what to do (well at least Danone will write it for you). A bit more prayer and the job is in your hand.
8. Signing Contract : don’t expect salary negotiation. You are fresh grad and got less bargaining power. But trust me, your monthly check should be enough or even higher compare to your average fellows.
My advise: don’t compare and get your self going. You’ll fly higher.
Things you should consider important :
1. During your first year of the program, you are not allowed to take your 12 days leave. However, the thing I love being in Danone is you have that opportunity to meet understanding bosses with whom you can negotiate your leaves with. In my case, my director allows me to take my days off even during my trainee year.
2. Other thing I treasure the most from Danone is the opportunity to handle big project with diverse team, even leading a project with older and higher grade team member – the continious learning process.
Good Luck!
Long story short, it was 4 years ago when I heard about Danone MT Star recruitment process and uploaded my CV through www.dancommunity.com.
There might be some changes here and there today, but for those who are curious about the stages to comprehend, here goes my list:
1. Administrative thingy : including register and upload your CV through online platform.
My tips: be simple! Only outline your real experience. Trust me, there are thousand similar CV out there and the recruitment team will not be able to read the whole 3 pages long CV. Make sure you put your greatest achievement & activities on the front page.
Is GPA important? Not sure with everyone, but during my first few weeks in Danone, I had this chance to meet VP for VIT brand. He asked what my GPA was. I asked back why he wanted to know (yes, you can talk and discuss thing directly with your boss’s boss’s boss here in Danone) and his answer was: “Having high GPA means you are responsible with your life. We need someone who is responsible with the project (s)he’s about to be given”.
2. Written test (TPA & English)
This test comes after you pass the online screening. I don’t remember exactly but I believe there’s more than 100 questions combined for this test. Don’t panic. They ask basic questions. What you need to do is stay calm and try to answer as many as possible.
3. HR Interview
Should you pass written test, you will be invited to meet one of the HR teams. If I may say, from all recruitment phases, talking with HR team will be the most relaxed one. They are not intimidating and they talk like a friend.
What you need to prepare : your uni life, your academic achievemnent inside or outside campus, your organization experience, your strength and witness, what positions are you into (I had to choose 3 positions), which businessunit you are interested in, and please do read a bit about Danone. It is not compulsory, but demonstrate knowledge is always great way to impress and proving that you are a curious and well prepared millennials.
4. User interview
During this stage, you will meet your soon-to-be (if you are accepted) boss. I have never been in user part, but based on my experience, I would be happy to know if my soon-to-be subordinate is curious, smart, and willing to go extra miles. Show that you have that value by knowing the rules you are applying, a bit about that field, experience during uni life that can support you, and curiousity. Dont forget to smile!
5. Director & VP Interview
If you’re direct boss are happy with you, you shall meet your director and vice president. Again, dont panic. In my case, I found being interviewed by director & VP is more like talking to your parents. They are wise and not offensive. They truly want to know if you are interested with the position and whether you have willingness to learn.
During my VP interview, she asked me why would I want to move to Jakarta and spend my youth in the terrible traffic (as I was studying in Jogjakarta and was born in Bali – these two cities are more convinient to live). My answer was “I’ve been living in Indonesia’s most beautiful and friendliest city. Now, I want to challenge my self and push my self to the limit as I believe in order to grow you must get out of your comfort zone”. I know it sounds cliche, but be honest and show you eager to learn and develop your self.
6. FGD
Once you impress your boss and boss’s boss to be, Danone will contact you for FGD test. My only suggestion for this: be active, confident, but stay true to your self. I am not the most talkative person in room nor extrovert. Thus, it’s kind of difficult for me to utter my opinion. But, try to be part of the negotiation and don’t exaggerate. Not all leaders need to be loud. Some needs to listen and give great conclusion at the end.
7. Medical Check Up : you know what to do (well at least Danone will write it for you). A bit more prayer and the job is in your hand.
8. Signing Contract : don’t expect salary negotiation. You are fresh grad and got less bargaining power. But trust me, your monthly check should be enough or even higher compare to your average fellows.
My advise: don’t compare and get your self going. You’ll fly higher.
Things you should consider important :
1. During your first year of the program, you are not allowed to take your 12 days leave. However, the thing I love being in Danone is you have that opportunity to meet understanding bosses with whom you can negotiate your leaves with. In my case, my director allows me to take my days off even during my trainee year.
2. Other thing I treasure the most from Danone is the opportunity to handle big project with diverse team, even leading a project with older and higher grade team member – the continious learning process.
Good Luck!
Hai kak di danone medical check up pegawai 1 tahun berapa x ya?