
Confessions of a Mom

The past one year has been a hell of emotional rollercoaster. I lost my temper A LOT, I yelled at my daughter and pushed her away cause I couldn't handle the stress. I let her cried in the middle of night begging me to pick her up out of bed or lulling her back to sleep. I got angry when she refused to eat and put on her diaper. I grew resentment towards my partner. I am not who I used to be. Of course it didn't take long for me to regret what I had done and hated myself afterward for not being able to control my emotion. I know I should not take things for granted, that I should be thankful my baby is perfectly healthy and I got help from my surroundings. Even just recently, we decided to hire a nanny to help me get my sanity back despite the lurking risks. I don't know if the pandemic worsen my situation. On the one hand, I'm glad I could spend time at home, switching roles from being a lecturer to a mom just within second. I can breastfeed my baby just few minut...
"Chester Bennington dies at the age of 41 hanging himself" Shocked and heartbroken. On the surface, he was a hero for a generation. But his life was truly a series of agony and grief. Child abuse, divorced parents, emotionally unstable father, drugs and alcohol addicts ever-since, relationship problems, constantly bullied by LP fans who can't f**ing move on, and recently the loss of a best friend. It struck me. Every soul is fighting against its own darkest thought. Its own demon. And not everyone is lucky to win the battle. For whatever awaits after life, I truly hope he finally finds some peace up (or down) there. He sang: 'After my dreaming I woke with this fear What am I leaving When I'm done here? So, if you're asking me, I want you to know' You left incredible memories of adolescence to a generation. You might have lost the battle, but your music forever wins billions of hearts out there. And in the end, it does matter.

My Chevening Journey

Saat masih proses aplikasi, saya bercita-cita kalau nanti saya berhasil terpilih sebagai Chevening awardee, saya akan menuliskan pengalaman seputar proses aplikasi yang saya lalui. Selama proses aplikasi, saya sering blog walking dan membaca pengalaman awardee-awardee Chevening sebelumnya dan merasa sangat terbantu. Thus, I would love to do the same thing. Semoga tulisan ini juga bisa bermanfaat untuk semua yang sedang mengejar cita-citanya :) Apa itu beasiswa Chevening? Chevening adalah beasiswa S2 dari pemerintah UK yang mencakup biaya kuliah serta biaya hidup bulanan. Beasiswa ini tidak hanya untuk mahasiswa Indonesia, tapi juga negara-negara ASEAN, Latin America, beberapa eropa timur, etc. Jadi, menjadi bagian dari komunitas Chevening scholarship holder artinya menjadi bagian dari worldwide networking. It’s only my first two weeks here in UK, tapi sudah ada beberapa invitation dari Chevening untuk acara-acara di London & university yang berarti kita punya kesempatan yang leb...

A Journey to be a Star (Danone Management Trainee Recruitment Phase)

I am not sure many of you are familiar with Danone products, but if you are heavy user of AQUA, Mizone, SGM, Nutricia, then you are a heavy user of Danone Indonesia. In short, Danone Indonesia has two main business unit, Water (AQUA – which will be the house of some other brands, ie Mizone & VIT) and Early Life Nutrition - ELN (Sari Husada & Nutricia). Being a MT Star means you will be selected to fill in position in one of these two business units. Long story short, it was 4 years ago when I heard about Danone MT Star recruitment process and uploaded my CV through There might be some changes here and there today, but for those who are curious about the stages to comprehend, here goes my list: 1. Administrative thingy : including register and upload your CV through online platform. My tips: be simple! Only outline your real experience. Trust me, there are thousand similar CV out there and the recruitment team will not be able to read the whole 3 p...

A (short) Trip to Hokkaido #FuyuYasumi edisi 1

Just checked air asia website and found exciting news. Brace your self! New route Jakarta - Sapporo has been launched and get 899K IDR for one way flight. Di Indonesia, Hokkaido memang mungkin belum se- mainstream populer Tokyo, Kyoto, atau Osaka.Though I agree each city has its own beauty, personally I think Hokkaido is the most beautiful of all (in terms of city landscape) - in any season! In winter, karena terletak di ujung Utara Jepang, snow covers almost every inch of the city. Things turn into white. During summer, Lavender and flowers grow coloring the whole city. Jadi, kalau memang promo low cost airline di atas bener adanya, you better not miss the chance! Cerita di bawah adalah rangkuman tentang liburan saya selama seminggu di Hokkaido (Sapporo - Hakodate - Otaru - Asahikawa - a bit of Furano). Berhubung saya anak tropis, saya memilih musim dingin untuk menjelajah Hokkaido. Harapannya supaya bisa puas liatin salju dan illumination festival yang nge hits itu. Kebetul...

2016 Travel Goals

I know it's not even December. We just passed the first semester of 2015. But since I have no office leave left, it's time to dream about 2016 trip. And as wise people said, it's better to write down your goal so universe can work it out , so you will never lose your track and work that ass off day by day. Got only 2 places in my bucket list. 1. China - to see the great wall I'm not quite sure why, but lately there's something about China. In my long long time ago post, I wrote that I met a Chinese friend during a forum in Vietnam. He said he came from Kunming, thousand miles away from Beijing. Since then, I dream about visiting this great country. After all, China is quite a mainstream destination for Indonesian tourist. 2. Sri Lanka There's only 1 reason : I miss my Dishna! Yes, Dishna is my dorm-mate during exchange program in Japan. It was March 2012 when the last time we saw each other, but we're still in contact up till today. Again in my ...

Simple Happiness called Sunshine

There is this famous saying states that people who live in tropical country tend to be happier, friendlier, yet lazier than those who born and grow up in four seasons country. The reason is simple. Tropical country has sunlight for the whole year, whilst most of days in sub tropical country are spent in gloomy cloud since they have only 3 months of full summer. The next question will be how does sunlight make that huge difference? How does sunlight determine our behaviors and feelings? I shouldn’t be the one who answer the question. Some physicist or other (I don’t even know whether I am right that this profession is the one who knows the answer) can provide explanations. However, I might be able to give you a clue. I was born and grew up in Indonesia, a country which has only two seasons; dry and rainy season. My hometown is only 10 minutes away from the nearest beach. When I was a kid, Sunday equals to going to the beach. Sunshine is everywhere that I feel I have to avoid it...