2016 Travel Goals

I know it's not even December.
We just passed the first semester of 2015.
But since I have no office leave left, it's time to dream about 2016 trip.
And as wise people said, it's better to write down your goal so universe can work it out, so you will never lose your track and work that ass off day by day.

Got only 2 places in my bucket list.
1. China - to see the great wall
I'm not quite sure why, but lately there's something about China. In my long long time ago post, I wrote that I met a Chinese friend during a forum in Vietnam. He said he came from Kunming, thousand miles away from Beijing. Since then, I dream about visiting this great country. After all, China is quite a mainstream destination for Indonesian tourist.

2. Sri Lanka
There's only 1 reason : I miss my Dishna! Yes, Dishna is my dorm-mate during exchange program in Japan. It was March 2012 when the last time we saw each other, but we're still in contact up till today. Again in my ancient old post, I wrote how I get the "click" with Dishna. There's not so much in common about us. But sometimes you just get that one click when you're talking to a person. The moment when you don't feel awkward even you barely say a word when you're together.

Sooo, guess I will run out of office leave (and money) again next year. :)


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