Cemilan Sehat

Hampir 3 bulan di Jepang, salah satu komentar yang paling sering saya dengar adalah : "Wah, sekarang kamu tambah gendut ya."

JEDOR! Bagaikan petir di siang bolong. Masalahnya, bahkan sebelum kesini, badan saya udah mekar. Jadi, bisa dibayangkan kan sekarang orang-orang malah komentar kalo saya tambah gendut.

Well, sebenernya being fat is not a big deal for me. The most important is the fact that I enjoy my life here. It's once in a lifetime (tinggal di Jepang gratisan ;p). But, what becomes my concern is the health issue. Being fat is not good for your body. And I think I feel like I eat too many cholesterol in Japan and less water.

Based on this fact, so I try so hard to say goodbye to this :

And try to be more healthy by welcoming this:

Fruits and Yoghurt. Goodbye fat! Welcome health! *I wish* LOL


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