People You Met

Kadang kalo lagi galau ga ada kerjaan, saya suka mikir random. Saking randomnya, saya suka ga ngerti kenapa saya bisa mikir hal kayak gitu. Kayak baru-baru ini. Ke-melankolis-an saya kembali teruji. Tiba-tiba saya mikir tentang "those people we met".

21 taun hidup di dunia, udah berapa banyak orang yang saya temui?
those people I met when I was walking on the street
those people I met when I paid my bill in supermarket
the bus driver
the man who just bought a meal from conbini
yes, those people we met

and among those people we met,
some of them we'll never meet again
some of them we'll meet again
many of them we don't even remember
many of them we don't even notice

but everyone, those people we met, is just like us.
they live, they breath
they have family and history
they have dreams and future

those people we met, is growing old together with us
in the different part of the world

hey, isn't it amazing?
life is not just about us
world is filled with those people we met
or with those people we might will never meet

hi there people I met and haven't met,
are you doing fine?
hope we'll meet again soon. ;)

*random kan? random banget?
hal ini muncul begitu tiba-tiba. terinspirasi dari mas-mas konbini di Hokkaido.
tiba-tiba saya mikir? edan.. ketemu sekali dan ga akan pernah ketemu lagi.
bagian kecil dari hidup.
but we met. it's our fate to meet each other (ok, ok saya tau ini lebay).

meet new people
sounds good, doesn't it? ;p


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