Simple Happiness called Sunshine

There is this famous saying states that people who live in tropical country tend to be happier, friendlier, yet lazier than those who born and grow up in four seasons country. The reason is simple. Tropical country has sunlight for the whole year, whilst most of days in sub tropical country are spent in gloomy cloud since they have only 3 months of full summer. The next question will be how does sunlight make that huge difference? How does sunlight determine our behaviors and feelings? I shouldn’t be the one who answer the question. Some physicist or other (I don’t even know whether I am right that this profession is the one who knows the answer) can provide explanations. However, I might be able to give you a clue. I was born and grew up in Indonesia, a country which has only two seasons; dry and rainy season. My hometown is only 10 minutes away from the nearest beach. When I was a kid, Sunday equals to going to the beach. Sunshine is everywhere that I feel I have to avoid it...