"Chester Bennington dies at the age of 41 hanging himself" Shocked and heartbroken. On the surface, he was a hero for a generation. But his life was truly a series of agony and grief. Child abuse, divorced parents, emotionally unstable father, drugs and alcohol addicts ever-since, relationship problems, constantly bullied by LP fans who can't f**ing move on, and recently the loss of a best friend. It struck me. Every soul is fighting against its own darkest thought. Its own demon. And not everyone is lucky to win the battle. For whatever awaits after life, I truly hope he finally finds some peace up (or down) there. He sang: 'After my dreaming I woke with this fear What am I leaving When I'm done here? So, if you're asking me, I want you to know' You left incredible memories of adolescence to a generation. You might have lost the battle, but your music forever wins billions of hearts out there. And in the end, it does matter.