cause you're not quite right in the head

"cause you're not quite right in the head and nor am I. And that's why I like you. And that's why we're friend."
This sentence was taken from a novel, titled "Pretty Things". I forget the writer name but the novel was about four teenagers, with their own unique personality, and trying to find the meaning of love they'd been questioned for.
I am not about telling the whole story or the inspiration I got. On the other hand, I'd like to share how strong the sentence is for me.
Few days ago, a friend of mine texted me. She said she was not comfortable with the other friend of mine. Three of us are friend. Different personalities. Different background. But, one thing for sure, we're friend.
She said she was dissapointed because that other friend said bad words to her. That other friend mocked her because she had never been abroad before. We were in the libarary, doing our task, as usual. I didnt hear their conversation but I felt something different from the way she talked after. I didnt find out cause we got several cases to be solved. Until that night, she text me. Tired and dissapointed. Hurt.
Then I say: come on. we have known each other for more than 2 years. We know that the other friend is a type of girl with unstable emotion. We know she never mean it, even for a while.
Then she said : But that other friend has hurted me once. I forgave her for one reason. that we're friend. emm, no, that we're sister. But she did it again. I could not do it. Tell me, why do I should forgive her?
Then I continued : you want the reason? it's simple. Cause like you said, we're sister. Even your sister sometimes hurted you, right? But we know that she never mean it. But we know that's what sister are for. Lesson to receive people just the way they are and forgive their mistakes. Cause you're not quite right in the head and nor am I. and that's why we're friend.
she stopped texting me..
The next day, I pick her up to do our task (again). She's fine now.
I know, the night before, after texting me, she nodded her head and say yes...
we're friend. and we will always be.
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